M.Div., Th.M., D.Min., Western Seminary, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. M.S.E.E., Georgia Inst. Of Tech., Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. B.S.E.E., University of Texas, Austin, Texas, U.S.A.
廖亞全校長 Mr. Liu Ah Chuen
M.Edu., M.Phil. (CUHK)
羅志強牧師 Rev. Dr. Law Chi Keung
D.Min. (ABS), Th.M. (CTGS), M.Div. (CTGS)
李富成牧師 Rev. Lee Fu Sing
M.Edu. (CUHK), MCS (ES)
鄺恩然牧師 Rev. Kwong Yan Yin
Th.M. (ABS), M.Div.
江偉偉傳道 Mr. Kong Wai Wai
D.Hist. (Studying), M.LS., B.Th.
廖金輝牧師 Rev. Dr. Stephen Liu
D.Min. (Coun.), MA (Professional Coun.) , M.Div., MCS, M.Soc.
莫江庭牧師 Rev. Dr. Kevin Mok
Ed. D. (Ed. Psy.) Baylor University M. Ed. (Coun.) South Dakota State University M. Div. (Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary)
林偉倫博士 Dr. Benny Lam
Psy.D. (International University for Graduate Studies)
吳庭樑牧師 Rev. Dr. Ng Ting Leung
D.Min. (International Theological Seminary), M.Div. (Coun.) (CGST)
黃啟文牧師 Rev. Edmond Wong
D.Min. Candidate (Bethel Bible Seminary), MA (Professional Coun.), M.Div.
吳淑燕博士 Dr. Ng Suk Yin
Ph.D. studies (University of Edinburgh) D.Min. (Fuller Theological Seminary) M.Sc. (Psychology of Mental Health)(University of Edinburgh) MA (Family Counseling & Family Education) (CUHK) M.Div. (CGST)
Dr. Vitti Ip
Ph.D. (Wisconsin-Madison) M.S. (South Illinois) B.S. (St. Cloud)
巫淑鳳博士 Dr. Carol Mo
D.Min. (Spiritual Direction) (GTF) MA (Professional Counseling) (ONU)
Ed.D. (EdU, HK) Registered Play Therapist & Clinical Supervisor, Play Therapy International
黎子中先生 Mr. Water Lai
Trained Guide in Family Reconstruction (HKU), MA in Family Counselling and Family Education (CUHK), Accredited MBTI Counsellor (APT), Registered Social Worker, Bachelor of Social Science in Social Work (CUHK)
麥淑儀姑娘 Ms. Marrina Mak
M.Sc. (Behavioral Health) (HKU) M.Sc. (Counseling) (University of South Australia) B. Social Work (HKPU)